
God gave rock and roll to you awana version
God gave rock and roll to you awana version

god gave rock and roll to you awana version

Most find extortion offensive and many even call it "ungodly" - though that may be playing into the ironic extortion racket's plan it would seem. Most if not all catholics I have know seem to agree with me on all these issues, and they do not hate the idea of percussion or consider it evil.

god gave rock and roll to you awana version

Perhaps for diplomatic purposes it can be useful to speak pig latin, so to speak. What with all the nasty corrupt and anti human things that have happened in the name of the star in some myths they call "god", I would not have chosen to use the "g" word in the song - nor would I risk offending the real higher power which indeed is technological and unimaginably influential by referring to it as "abe" or "god" or "allah" or "ewa" or whatever the monotheist claim to know it alls decide to ill advisadly call it. Not concerned about tipping them off in that way because apparently they have no idea what real rhthm and real dancing is. Women seem to like men who move naturally and with grace in my experiences, so when the human controlled hacking tries to interrupt then some quick feet and rythm can help. Nobody is going to have success in trying to say to me not to hold me head high and to not move with natural grace. I have heard of religious extremists who hated on dancing, and really a lot of conformists have a history of being weird about gracefullness in general. There have been times that the vatican overtly labelled music with drums as evil, and islam supposedly bans music which does not promote what their definition of peace is. Anyhow, rock and roll (and music in general) is not evil at all, nor is it unnatural. Birds sing and a lot of animals have rythm as well. No requirent on using it for herb but the higher power hates the prohibition of cannabis.Īlso there is the meaning directed towards those who only listen to hip hop or classical or are tunnel visioned musically or just hate music in general. The song also refers to cannabis - it is a natural plant which the higher power wants us to use for food, oil, fuel, fibers, herbs, and so on. The higher power which is in all of us want to be loving, but part of being loving is dependent on us being lovable. I really have no idea what really being labelled as a tax evader would be like but when I see them walking around it is obvious that they are basically in technological chains. Of course, presumptuous actions on the part of such beaurocrats would be counterproductive and so on. Even if you are paid up, not filing tax returns in a timely manner can at times result in some misinterpreting things and falsely thinking that you are a tax evading parasite. Paying taxes is a good idea though, because the roads and other needed things depend on tax dollars and being a societal parasite is unadvisable. So one need not pay any extortionists gangs (tithings) to be in touch with the real higher power. The primary premise of the song is about how the higher power (which is technological and has existsd since deep antiquity) is inside of each of us in a way because it commincated with our neurological systems. Generally a good song with good words too. And alls we can say is - Let's Rock!" i just watched the Argent version for the first time while posting this - quite good as well.


Great quotes as an intro to the song in the Bill and Ted movie - "We've been to the past. Song Meaning STATION! - I have to be honest here and say that the Bill and Ted movie introduced this song to me. 'Coz it's never too late to work nine to fiveĪnd if you're young then you'll never grow old Man you've gotta sweat or you won't get far

god gave rock and roll to you awana version

Love Cliff Richard but please don't tease No it's never too late to change your mindĭon't step on snails, don't climb in trees

God gave rock and roll to you awana version